Entrepreneur Networking that actually works

WulfPack is a Mobile App that matches cofounder skills with startup ideas.

Network Efficiently with worldwide talent, based on their ideas and skills, not their name.

Stop Wasting Time, either in person events or on existing apps, scrolling or talking to hundreds of irrelevant profiles.

Get Straight to the Point: Browse through filtered, relevant startup ideas in need of collaborators. Filter by Industry, Location, Project Funding and more.

Browse Ideas and Collaborate

Execute on your Idea

Start a Project and build your own Wulf Pack.

Invite Team Members to collaborate with you.

Build a Concrete Network of individuals who want to help you with your project

We respect your privacy. This waiting list will not be used for any purpose other than promoting Wulf Pack Projects.

“After wasting so much time with existing entrepreneur apps, I decided to make one that gets straight to the point”

— Wulf Pack Projects Founder

“We tend to network up when we really should be networking across.”

— Issa Rae (creator of HBO series INSECURE)

One of the first questions many investors ask us is “how can you guarantee high value profiles on your platform?”. The truth is, the era of elitist networking is over. Effective networking starts with the people around you, not above you. Join forces with people who have the same goals as you to become unstoppable.

Ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.

— Steve Jobs

You can’t make your business happen unless you communicate it. Don’t worry about getting your idea out in the open. Worry about finding the right pack to execute your idea.